This made me think about:
How does Google’s Digitalisation project affect modern day libraries?
internet has become a necessity to keeping libraries alive, simply because the
cost to run them has greatly increased over the years which have had a knock on effect on the amount of qualified librarian hired to run them. Not to mention
due to the value of the printed resources, the amount of security needed to
ensure the safety of priceless one-time items.However, for anyone dealing with digitalisation you would have
to quote the disadvantage of copyrights law and issues related to digital information
security and confidentiality. One would say that they are public records so
there shouldn’t be any problems, but what happens when a non-subscriber to
digitalized information acquires a copy? How does this affect future
negotiations with authors?
Furthermore, one has to think of the managerial and
financial issues related to libraries and technology. A lot of libraries have
been stuck in their ways about not modernising and refuse to adopt
digitalisation. That is all well and good for libraries that have good budgets,
government funding and great sponsors. However, the libraries that don’t have
such support, they need to be able to adapt while still retaining managerial
control over licensing and policy making. This is where E-libraries have
developed, as you do not need a lot of technical support and can be updated
regularly at the speed in which collections are acquired. Donations can be used
as a method to constantly fund them without digging into the day-to-day funding
of primary activities.
This completely, disputes statements that librarians become useless with digitalisation as it takes a continuous team effect to update the online library around daily activities. Furthermore, this also improves librarians IT skills for further development in content management systems. Thus, improving upon the delivery and means to which information is available in the coming future.
I am curious however, to know what others think about this subject in terms of pros and cons of digitalisation on modern day libraries.